Adults Program

Adults of all ages participate in our Muay Thai and Boxing classes.

You don’t need to be fit or even in-shape to start. You go at your own pace, and there’s no shame in taking a breather.

It can seem daunting going to your first class, but there are so many benefits when it comes to martial arts.

Adults Classes:

Here are some benefits you might see:

It’s never too late to start, and there’s no “correct” fitness level you need to be at to start. Whether you need to improve your physical health, maintain your physical health, improve your mental health, or simply get away from screens this is a great place to do it. We really do have people of all shapes and sizes and with varying goals. Not everyone there is there to fight, but if you want that, we have that as well. Injuries are respected, let us know if there are any injuries and we can modify exercises to keep you going without aggravating anything.